The holidays are a special opportunity to come together, rejuvenate, and celebrate with loved ones. Sharing delicious food, memories, traditions, and so much more are just some of the ways you can stay connected this holiday season. Although it’s exciting to have family come together, sometimes it can get quite overwhelming. Here are five helpful tips for navigating the holidays with your loved ones.
1. Practice Gratitude
It is proven that practicing gratitude will help to reduce stress and allow you to focus more on what is important this holiday season – your loved ones. In efforts to keep spreading the holiday spirit, try going around the table and saying three things that you are grateful for, no matter how big or how small. Speaking out loud makes it easier for our brain to process that what we are saying is real versus it just being a thought that lives in our head.
2. Keep Your Senior Loved Ones Involved
According to a recent report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65 and older are considered to be socially isolated. Let’s change that this year and give your loved ones the attention they deserve!
Whether you’re looking through old photo albums, playing games, cooking family recipes, or reminiscing about treasured memories and traditions, everyone loves to be involved. Making sure everyone in your family is happy this holiday season should be your number one priority. If your loved ones are unable to attend a gathering, include them by organizing a group, a phone call, or sending a quick message to help them feel part of the festivities.
3. Enjoy the Moment
While the holidays are a busy time for everyone, remember to pause and enjoy the moment. We encourage you and your loved ones to be as present as possible this holiday season to ensure everyone feels heard and welcome. Being present also makes conversations livelier and allows you to fully absorb the company of those around you. It’s often easy to get caught up in the craziness. But this holiday season, make it a priority to stay connected with your loved ones – and try not to stress about the things you can’t control.
In addition, it is important to take necessary breaks when things start to get too chaotic or stressful. Keeping your mental health in check will ensure that your holiday gatherings go as planned.
4. Wash Your Hands Often
As the holiday season approaches, bringing with it added chaos and excitement, it’s easy to forget to wash your hands frequently. Washing your hands not only keeps you safe and healthy, but also those around you. According to the CDC, you should wash your hands with warm soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to properly clean your hands. You should do this before and after eating, touching your face, or using the bathroom. Simply by washing your hands, you can drastically help prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.
5. Ensure a Safe Household
Unfortunately, the cold weather brings the always-dreaded ice and snow, which means more falls and injuries are prone to happen. It is imperative to ensure a clear pathway for people to safely enter and exit your home. Additionally, consider leaving earlier than normal, as falls tend to happen when you’re in a rush, and make sure your hands are free to help with your balance. Finally, choose shoes with good traction to avoid slipping on ice. We recommend being cognizant of your surroundings at all times to eliminate any unwanted injuries or stress over the holidays.
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!
To help alleviate the stress of the holidays and fully enjoy the festivities, it’s never too early to start planning. These tips will help ensure holidays are full of laughter, cheer, and quality time with your loved ones. From everyone at Wentworth Senior Living, we wish you a fun and safe holiday season!