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Seniors in Love: A Special Valentine’s Day Piece

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We love so many things about our residents, but one of our favorites has to be hearing their stories. The Wentworth Senior Living community is filled with incredible individuals, and we enjoy learning as much as we can about all of them.

Today, we have a special treat to share. Some of our residents were kind enough to chat with us about their love stories, relationship advice, and more in anticipation of Valentine’s Day!


Sandra and Philips “Sandy and Phil”

During Sandy’s time at Wheaton College, she got a waitressing job at what is now, the Wychmere Harbor Inn on Cape Cod. Phil’s parents were guests every year at the Inn, staying for a 2-week visit. In August of 1955 Phil came up from University of Pennsylvania to visit his parents at the Cape. While he was there, the owner of the Inn hosted his own birthday party and invited all of his staff and guests to join. During the party Sandy and Phil clicked with each other and started dating. They made long distance work throughout their college years; Phil would drive 7 hours from the University of Pennsylvania to visit her. In 1957, they got engaged, graduated from college and Sandy got a job near Phil’s hometown and decided to move there. In March of 1958 they got married and have been together ever since.

Sandy and Phil

Phil’s favorite memory of them together is, “When we first met and would spend time together on the beach.” Sandy agreed with him.

Sandy’s advice for a successful relationship is, “Trust, trusting each other is very important.”

Phil’s advice for a successful relationship is, “Communication, be open to talk about things.”

What an incredible pair!


Teresa “Kay”

During the year 1952, Kay was a Registered Nurse at NE Medical in Massachusetts. One day in the month of November she had a patient who kept insisting that she needed to meet his son, Bill, who was an oral surgeon but at the time was stationed in Europe on a battleship. That month Bill came to visit his dad and when he got there all of her peers went “gaga” over him. He asked Kay if he could have one of the nurse’s contact information before he went back to Europe and when she asked whose he wanted, he replied, “Yours.”  They began corresponding back and forth for the next couple of months. In January of 1953 Bill was stationed in Portsmouth, and they got engaged. They spent the next 62 years together raising their 7 children in the seacoast area until Bill passed away in 2015.

Kay and Bill

Kay’s favorite memory of Bill is, “How very kind and gentle he was.  In 62 years of marriage, he never raised his voice.”

Kay’s advice for a successful relationship is, “To marry the right man.”


Donald “Bruce”

Bruce met his first love, Nancy, when they were 15 years old. One day as kids they said to each other, with a pinky promise, “Let’s get married someday.” They courted throughout their college years while Nancy went to Wellesley, and Bruce went to Williams College before ending up at MIT. When they were 21 years old they got married and bought a house together. They spent the next 50 years raising their family while being deeply in love until the day she passed 30 years ago.

When Bruce was in his 70s, he was introduced to his next love, Elizabeth. They met at Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth with help from a mutual friend. The instantly hit it off and began spending some time getting to know one another. One day Elizabeth was going to move back to California to be with family, but Bruce asked her to stay with him instead and she agreed. For the next 20 years they enjoyed living together in their seacoast home. In 2021 they decided that they wanted to move to Wentworth Senior Living together but unfortunately she became ill and passed before they could. Although Elizabeth wasn’t here to join him, he decided that he wanted to follow through with the plan, as it is what she would have wanted and he is very happy he did.

Bruce and Nancy

Bruce’s favorite memory with Nancy is, “Our courtship”

Bruce’s favorite memory with Elizabeth is when she introduced him to her brother and her brother said, “I like the bruiser, but you need to dirty him up.” He also has wonderful memories the two of them, “Traveling to different places, seeing Bruce Springsteen in concert, and her being a Hot Ticket”.

“I was incredibly lucky to live with two such loving and smart woman.” – Bruce

Bruce’s advice for a successful relationship is, “My prerogative is to try to view everything through empathy. Meaning, put yourself in the shoes of the person you are with. Whether it is your wife, kids, or even landscaper, try to view it by listening to them with empathy. Do that to help color your thinking.”

Bruce and Elizabeth
Bruce and Elizabeth

What is clear after reading these special stories is the importance of love, connection, and socialization for, all of us, including our senior residents. Whether a prospective resident wants to join us with their partner, or needs help adjusting to their next chapter, it is clear they have some wonderful residents to lean on in similar situations.